Reopened & Even Better / by Kathy Hochstetler

Reopened & Even Better

What a journey we have all been through the past few months! We are grateful to be reopened. It felt so good to flip that open sign on May 13th.

The initial shutdown was only going to be two weeks so John and I started tackling those projects that never get done at home. We cleaned out our second floor and attic. After many trips to the thrift store to make donations and lots of cleaning, we reclaimed our art room and made a space for John’s drum kit.

Then we found out that this whole shutdown was going to be longer than anticipated. So we got real scrappy. And all the entrepreneurs said “Amen!” The long intended online shop became the next project. Many days were spent photographing product and entering the listings. A lot was learned through the process, you know….you learn as you.

So glad that this project got done, other things kept getting put ahead of the online shop. As the only one manning the studio, many hats are worn. More items will be listed in the shop periodically but I got a good start.

The next thing I tackled was creating pillows. The feed sacks had previously been cleaned and all of my sewing materials were at home. So I got to patching holes and sewing them up. I am grateful that I was able to work with my hands during this time, it was a godsend. A little bit of normalcy during uncertain times.

It was fun to photograph the finished pillows in my living room with Baxter and John relaxing just out of the frame.

The need for fabric face masks became apparent and after a little trial and error, I came up with a pattern that worked well. Luckily, I was able to use up some of the fabric that was stashed at the studio. In the past, I had made pillows with the fabric. I was able to use up some scraps that were otherwise not useful for the projects that I do.

Supplies had run out, like elastic but I was able to find a good alternative at a local fabric shop. I made and sold over 100 masks and I’m grateful that it brought in a little income during the difficult time. It was hard to keep up with the demand but I had to pace myself.

The face masks are no longer available. I ran out of the trim that I used for the ear straps and fabric. Plus, when the time came close to reopening the studio, we had to focus on rearranging and getting ready to open back up. New items were added in and the studio got a much needed make over. So, the next time you visit us, things will be different but better than ever. See you soon!

Much Love
